If you’re hanging out and want to be a part of something very cool tomorrow, well then we might have your Friday night ticket. We’re suiting up for an early R&D technology test, which is open to anyone interested in helping us move our Live Streaming technology forward. Join us and our BitTorrent live testing…

The long awaited new episode of the popular made-for-BitTorrent series Pioneer One is now available directly via BitTorrent and µTorrent software. The torrent may be downloaded here. The exclusive Web series, a true progressive work of art, is about the lone survivor of a lost Soviet mission to Mars and the Cold War tensions he…

Today is a small but notable milestone for µTorrent Plus. We’re launching a new test community and new alpha version! While it’s invite-only for a small group of our most active testers, if you really want to give it a test run, click here (UPDATE: we’re currently out of invites – sorry! If you leave your…

Captive, the first novel ever to be released through our Artist Spotlight program, has been nominated for a Wall Street Journal award! Will you give us a hand and vote for her? Author Megan Lisa Jones, fresh from the novel’s successful launch into the BitTorrent community, has been honored with a nomination for the Wall…

This morning on 9/13/2011 at approximately 4:20 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7), the uTorrent.com and BitTorrent.com Web servers were compromised. Our standard Windows software download was replaced with a type of fake antivirus “scareware” program. (UPDATE: See below for removal instructions.) Just after 6:00 a.m. Pacific time, we took the affected servers offline to…