We are pleased to announce that customers can pay for BitTorrent and µTorrent premium products, including Pro, Pro+VPN and Ad-Free with TUSD TRC20. With the help of CoinPayments.net, a leading integrated payment gateway provider for cryptocurrencies, the TRC20 version of TUSD joins TRX, BTC, BNB, BTT, OKB, and BUSD as accepted forms of digital payment. …

Starting today at 4:00 PM PT and running through October 11th, four lucky winners will receive 1M BTT, and one grand prize winner will receive 10M BTT (worth at least $50,000 USD). Eligible participants can enter by downloading the free or Pro version of any BitTorrent or µTorrent client that contains a BitTorrent Speed wallet,…

According to official news, BTFS v1.5.0 will soon be released. Updates are as followed: 1. Repair mode 2. Visit BTFS-scan from Host page in one click 3. BTFS network upgrade BTFS node repair mode is used for fixing file shards in the BTFS network which are lost due to offline Host nodes or deletion.An uploaded…

Company announces 30% off Windows-based BitTorrent and µTorrent Pro to celebrate milestone (SAN FRANCISCO, August 11, 2020) – BitTorrent Inc., the leading company in peer-to-peer protocols and products, announced that it surpassed 2 billion installations of its popular torrent client software on Windows, Mac and Android. The company, which offers products across two brands, BitTorrent…

If you are a holder of BUSD, we are pleased to announce that you can purchase BitTorrent Classic Pro, Pro+VPN or Ad-Free with Binance’s USD-backed stablecoin. With the help of CoinPayments.net, a leading integrated payment gateway provider for cryptocurrencies, BUSD joins TRX, BTC, BTT, OKB and BNB as the cryptocurrencies we currently accept. Alongside the…