It’s been an incredible journey. From progressive P2P experiment to massive global online success, Pioneer One is finally wrapping up. Today is the launch of Pioneer One Episode 6: War of the World. (Download the episode or the entire series here.) We’re definitely feeling a sense of nostalgia here at BitTorrent. All the credit and…

One of our favorite tech channels on the Internet is Leo Laporte’s TWiT.tv. The shows are funny, smart, and the commentators always have a unique opinion on all the happenings in tech-land. It’s watercooler fodder for us geeky types. So when the TWiT.tv contacted us a couple of weeks ago about Bram’s live streaming technology…

µTorrent Plus is live! That’s not all – we also just released µTorrent 3.1 (free), BitTorrent Mainline Plus, and BitTorrent Mainline 7.6 (free). Read on… The big news today is µTorrent Plus. Before we get into the details, we first want to sincerely thank all of the people who downloaded our alpha and beta test…

This Friday, BitTorrent Live brings you another live studio session featuring The Genie & El Diablo. As continue hosting these live studio tests, we aim to increase the number of concurrent viewers to test and scale Bram Cohen’s live streaming protocol. Each Friday at 8:00 PM PT (4:00 GMT) the live studio is hosting unique…

Now that Thanksgiving is over, the holiday season is in full swing. What better way to celebrate than checking out all the pretty lights? Or rather, checking out the awesome new made-for-BitTorrent Pretty Lights media bundle available today as our new Featured Artist. Lighting up the decks and energizing dance floors of the electronic dance…