µTorrent Plus is live! That’s not all – we also just released µTorrent 3.1 (free), BitTorrent Mainline Plus, and BitTorrent Mainline 7.6 (free). Read on… The big news today is µTorrent Plus. Before we get into the details, we first want to sincerely thank all of the people who downloaded our alpha and beta test…

Are you on a Mac? Or do you use an iPad? In the BitTorrent community, the number of users with at least one Apple product is growing at a pretty quick pace. And we hear you loud and clear with your requests for a little more love. Today, we’re stepping things up with three new…

Today is a small but notable milestone for µTorrent Plus. We’re launching a new test community and new alpha version! While it’s invite-only for a small group of our most active testers, if you really want to give it a test run, click here (UPDATE: we’re currently out of invites – sorry! If you leave your…

This morning on 9/13/2011 at approximately 4:20 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -7), the uTorrent.com and BitTorrent.com Web servers were compromised. Our standard Windows software download was replaced with a type of fake antivirus “scareware” program. (UPDATE: See below for removal instructions.) Just after 6:00 a.m. Pacific time, we took the affected servers offline to…

We’ve been hard at work this year building the new ecosystem of software, content and devices that we first previewed at CES, and today is a major milestone in the device arena. Vestel, one of the world’s leading DTV manufacturers, will preview the world’s first BitTorrent Certified TV at the IFA show in Berlin. We’ll…