If you head over to bittorrent.com, you might notice that things look a little different. Today, we’re releasing a new version of our site. Our goal is to make you guys an excellent homebase for everything BitTorrent; from onboarding to alpha projects. This launch signifies the end of a massive, iterative redesign project. But it’s…

Another day, another mobile milestone. We’re stoked that 25 million of you are now getting your torrents to go. Guess this smartphone revolution thing that people are talking about is for real. Haven’t tried our apps? They’re pretty rad. See what other users are saying. We’ve also got some good news for our current mobile…

BitTorrent Download: The Boxer Rebellion. There’s being indie, and then there’s being an independent band. The former is a genre; a semi-confusing shorthand for any act involving guitars. The latter is meaningful, and more rare: the artists who actually go it alone. These are the the guys worth listening to. Right now, we’re listening to…

In just a couple days, the BitTorrent team will be heading down to Philly for the Roots Picnic. ROAD TRIP. We’re getting ready by playing this real loud: Cosmo Baker’s Official Roots Picnic Mixtape, from our friends at Okayplayer. The mixtape features picnic jams from all the artists on the bill, including The Roots, Naughty…

This is the sound of surf, the sound of So Cal, the sound of summer. And this the man who pioneered it: Dick Dale, the King of Surf Guitar. He brought reverb and distortion into the mainstream; pushing against the conventions of rock, and the limits of amp technology. We’re bringing it to you, live….