The artist’s first album is the first open Bundle paygate project. “I was making things I’d never heard before, things I could just imagine.” Diplo began work on his first album ten years ago, between Philadelphia and Florida, between jobs, after hours, on the bus, and inside his head. Florida, released in 2004 on Big…

There’s a well-known anecdote that has been used to describe the gradual shifting of our world, from the politics of war to climate change: the boiling frog. The premise is simple: drop a jumpy frog into a boiling pot of water, and it will jump out immediately; slowly turn up the heat on the cold…

The state of EDM, in the words of the artists and influencers shaping the industry. A version of this post originally ran in EDM.com on November 9, 2014.

“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” —Winston Churchill In this edition of Friday Download: a legendary war journalist tells his story on BitTorrent Bundle. There are few journalists left like Sebastian Junger; willing to put their life…

Ten years ago, BitTorrent, Inc. was formed to build a business harnessing the power of the BitTorrent protocol. Since then, we as a company have created a culture of innovation that looks outside the boundaries of what the Internet is now and focuses on what the Internet will be next. In continued celebration of our…