“Here’s why I make movies. I don’t like lies.” – Oliver Stone Over the course of a career that now stretches nearly as long as J.F.K’s life span, Oliver Stone has been relentlessly driven to make movies with real world impact, and his latest venture, Snowden, is a story for our times. In many ways,…

King of Kings is one of the most recognized brands in the world of kickboxing thanks to the intensity and spontaneity of their fights. This Saturday, October 1, they’re returning to action with a full slate of bouts broadcast through the FightBox HD channel and streaming on BitTorrent Live.

Since exploding onto the national radar in 2010 as a co-writer for Eminem and Rihanna’s chart destroyer “The Way You Lie,” Skylar Grey has accumulated the kind of resume that puts her in elite music industry territory. GRAMMY appearances, collaborations with everyone from Nicki Minaj to Kid Cudi, Grey can lay claim to one of…

We’re in the process of rolling out a new feature of for our BitTorrent and uTorrent clients: Altruistic Mode. This is a feature for users who want to make sure that they upload more than they download and are okay with the tradeoff that their download might never complete. Because this feature has some subtle…

Speaking to Nick Barat is like speaking to the yourself you wish you were. The Fool’s Gold founder and modern renaissance man better known as Nick Catchdubs is almost impossibly awake and relaxed considering he’s just hours away from the label’s DAY OFF festival show in L.A. I’m developing a stress contact high just thinking about the massive undertaking…