Hundred Waters Share “Show Me Love” Anti-Bullying Campaign

Hundred Waters is giving away two versions of “Show Me Love”, a brand new video for the song, plus 4 tracks from The Moon Rang Like A Bell, in exchange for a donation of any amount to Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Hundred Waters’ “Show Me Love” is an invocation: a prayer for peace, a protest against personal cruelty, a single voice, speaking out. The track scored Coke’s anti-bullying ad, which aired during tonight’s Super Bowl. But music is more than a soundtrack. It’s a way to make a difference.
Download the Show Me Love Bundle, and unlock the original and acoustic versions of the song for free. Subscribe to get 4 additional tracks from The Moon Rang Like A Bell. And donate at the top of the page to participate in the band’s anti-bullying campaign, will all proceeds going to Big Brothers Big Sisters.
From Hundred Waters:
Our generation is the first to grow up online. While the Internet is an amazing tool for many things, it can also be a discouraging place where hate and negativity thrive behind the separation of the screen.
When Coke asked to use our song for an anti-bullying ad campaign, we decided to use the opportunity to help defeat what we see as a root cause of bullying: low self-esteem and lack of strong relationships.
In high school, Nicole was a mentor in a non-profit called Big Brothers Big Sisters. This organization immediately came to mind as what we wanted to support. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a mentorship program where adults can volunteer to develop strong, positive relationships with children who need that most.
In order to support this cause, we’ve decided to give away this bundle in exchange for a minimum $1 donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters. We’ve set this up through Bit Torrent for ease & efficiency’s sake. Here is an easy way to benefit others by simply enjoying music.
We realize cyber-bullying and bullying of all forms is a complicated issue with no easy answer. We hope, however, to change the lives of a few who, through circumstances outside of their control, either become bullies or their victims.
Hundred Waters: Show Me Love
01 “Show Me Love” (Album Version) [Audio]
02 “Show Me Love” (Nicole Miglis Acoustic) [Audio]
03 “Show Me Love” ( dir. by Alex Warren) [Video]
04 “Show Me Love” Lyric Sheet (handwritten by Nicole) [Art]
Bonus Tracks
05 “Murmurs” [Audio]
06 “Xtalk” [Audio]
07 “[animal]” [Audio]
08 “Cavity” [Audio]
Donate directly to Big Brothers Big Sisters below:
About BitTorrent Bundle
BitTorrent Bundle is a publishing project made with and for the world’s creative community. Our mission is to help artists connect directly with fans, inside the content they share.
Each BitTorrent Bundle allows artists to distribute content directly to the Internet. And each Bundle comes with a key. Fans can unlock artist content with an email address, or a direct payment to the artist. The idea is to make each song a storefront, and each file more valuable, every time it’s shared. Got ideas for the next BitTorrent Bundle? Hit us up.