Staff Picks: Bishop Nehru x MF DOOM

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In this edition of Staff Picks: a preview of NehruvianDOOM, the new album from Bishop Nehru and MF DOOM. Eighteen year-old Bishop Nehru is quickly climbing the ranks of hip hop, with a sound that calls back to the New York Golden Era and co-signs from Kendrick Lamar and Nas. Nehru’s debut album, NehruvianDOOM, a collaboration with underground hip hop legend MF DOOM, is out Sept 23rd. We have your first look here.
Bishop Nehru first met MF DOOM while sharing at bill at London’s storied 100 Club in in 2013. DOOM was immediately impressed by the then 16 year-old Nehru’s lyrical ability. Shortly after, the duo began work on a collaborative album, forging one of the most intriguing recent partnerships in hip hop. NehruvianDOOM will serve as Bishop Nehru’s first retail release, available on Lex Records Sept 23rd. We sat down with the young phenom to talk about the new album and plans for what’s next.
BitTorrent: How did the NehruvianDOOM project come together? When did you guys realize this was going to be a Bishop Nehru x MF DOOM collaborative release?
Bishop Nehru: It came out really naturally. We didn’t know it was going to be a collaborative album until things were finishing up and pretty much done. It was originally going to be my project with DOOM producing with a feature or two on there. I was like “Nah.” — I wanted him to really get involved. As it we started making more music together, DOOM got more hands on with it and it turned into this collaborative project.
BitTorrent: You’ve been getting a lot of love overseas. You recorded a lot of the NehruvianDOOM in the UK and have been on the road with Nas and Earl Sweatshirt across Europe. How do audiences overseas respond differently than the hip hop audiences in the US?
Bishop Nehru: They cherish the moment a lot more. There’s not too much exposure to hip hop, or at least American hip hop. When they can get it, they really do appreciate it and live in the moment. It makes for a better show.
BitTorrent: You’re very hands on with all the content you put out, especially your music videos. What made you start directing your own videos?
Bishop Nehru: I really didn’t want anybody to come in and direct my video. It would be their video and their view of it. I already have my point of view on the song. I do it to expand the art more, and if I can do it, then why not? But that’s not to say that directing is something that’s easy, cause it’s not.
It was like in or around the 6th or 7th grade I began to edit my own videos, like gaming montages, things of that nature, like Call of Duty… so I got real keen to understanding contrast and lighting and how to slice things. I was used to editing tools with some higher level effects, so editing my own videos came naturally.
I began shooting my own stuff way earlier. That was something I was interested in with my friend who I started my whole art movement I had going with. We were really into photography, and video…I don’t even know…we just loved to shoot and edit and I translated that into music.
BitTorrent: What do you expect to see for the future of the New York hip hop scene and hip hop in general?
Bishop Nehru: I’m not sure. There’s a lot people using that sound to get some attention. I’m not too concerned with that. I’m a fan of hip hop as a whole. As far as hip hop goes, I could see it going a lot more musical. Maybe that’s cause I’m from New York. That’s at least the route that I’m trying to take it. I’m not really listening to a lot of hip hop now – I’m listening to a lot more jazz, rock, and alternative rock.
People think I’m just a New York boom-bap rapper, and I’m so much more than that. I make all types of music. Whatever my body’s feeling is the type of music I’m going to give you.
I love to rap, I love to make beats. But I love to make music as a whole and I like listening to music. Now that the DOOM project is wrapped up, I’m starting to work on a bunch of different stuff. You’re going to see a whole new musical aspect of me. I’m pretty happy and stoked to get it out.
BitTorrent: What does Bishop Nehru have up his sleeve for 2015?
Bishop Nehru: I could do another full length project, but I must just do a couple of…I don’t know to be honest. Maybe a couple of EP’s, maybe an album. Right now I want to focus on making music and putting stuff out until I get signed to put out a record. I’m probably going to keep putting out tracks until I get the deal.
There’s so many doors I need to open before I can really get to what I hear in my head. I need to get more music out. People think I’m just a New York boom-bap rapper, and I’m so much more than that. I make all types of music. Whatever my body’s feeling is the type of music I’m going to give you. I’ll say, 2015 is going to be the year of the Nehruvian takeover.
BitTorrent: Why did you choose BitTorrent Bundle for this project?
Bishop Nehru: It gave me the chance to put out a bunch of stuff I’ve been working on. It’s something that new fans and die-hard Nehruvians will find and make them even bigger fans. I’m hoping it’s something people will find and appreciate and become new Nehruvians.
Download the Bundle to unlock three mixtapes from Bishop Nehru, and exclusive video, artwork and photos from the making of the album.
Pre-order NehruvianDOOM from iTunes or pick up the vinyl from the Lex Records store.
Bishop Nehru x MF DOOM Bundle
01 NehruvianDOOM – “Darkness” Single [Audio]
02 NehruvianDOOM – “Darkness” Official Music Video [Video]
03 NehruvianDOOM – The Making of “Darkness” Music Video [Video]
04 Kelz Scott JAZZ Mixtape [Audio]
05 Kile Kanvas Kanvas Mixtape [Audio]
06 Bishop Nehru Nehruvia Mixtape [Audio]
07 Bishop Nehru strictlyFLOWZ Mixtape [Audio]
08 Behind-the-Scenes – MF DOOM and Bishop Nehru Photo Shoot [Video]
09 MF DOOM x Bishop Nehru Photo Collection [Photo]
10 Exclusive NehruvianDOOM Artwork and Poster [Art]
11 Nehruvian Logos [Art]
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