Friday Download: Gentlemen and Scholars

Friday Download is dedicated to curating the best download-able objects on the web, courtesy of BitTorrent Bundle Publishers.

In this edition of FDL: An Evansville, Indiana quintet serving up gritty rock n’ roll with an extra shot of Jack Daniels.  The new BitTorrent Bundle from Gentlemen and Scholars is a throwback to an era of rock and roll when fuzz and distortion reigned supreme.

Overdriven vintage guitars, Bonham-esque room drums. and Muscle Shoals style horns  – it’s real rock and roll.  Download the Bundle to get the band’s new nine-track LP, Thick as Mud, for free.

Enjoy your Friday.

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BitTorrent Bundle is an alpha project made with and for the web’s creative community.

Creators can build their own BitTorrent Bundle and distribute their massive multi-media projects to 170 million BitTorrent users around the world. Each Bundle comes with a key; fans can unlock artist content with an email address or a donation. Got ideas for the next BitTorrent Bundle? You can sign up here.

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