The first app built with BitTorrent Live distributed technology will bring P2P broadcast to mobile devices.
Broadcast has left the studio. The 24 hour news cycle is something we bring with us, now: the breaking stories of our lives, passed along by phone. Mobile has changed the way we talk and listen. We’re looking to change how it works.
In March 2013, we released the BitTorrent Live protocol as a closed Beta experiment. Live is a peer-to-peer streaming technology that’s based on BitTorrent principles. It’s built to remove bandwidth, cost, and infrastructure as barriers to streaming. It’s also designed to solve for breakage. BitTorrent Live is built for big stories. The more people that tune in, the more resilient the stream.

BitTorrent Live and Non-P2P technologies: bandwidth versus viewership.
BitTorrent Live allows you to broadcast to massive audiences, without bandwidth drain.
Over a year of development using real deployments has improved the maturity of the Live protocol. Later this year, we’ll introduce the first Alpha product based on the technology: a new mobile streaming application. We’re excited about what’s next for BitTorrent Live. Stay tuned for details.