Our mission at BitTorrent, Inc. is to use distributed technology to build a better Internet. Achieving this requires commitment, creativity, and world-class talent.
BitTorrent technologies don’t rely on centralized servers. This has become a profound differentiator; particularly within the Sync and Share marketplace, where issues of send limits and surveillance have emerged as serious user pain points.

Within the past year, BitTorrent Sync has grown from an Alpha Labs initiative to a widely adopted Beta product and innovation platform. More than 2 million people use Sync. And these Beta users have demonstrated the power of the app: moving 40 times as much data as the average Dropbox user, 7 times as fast.
The opportunity for Sync is enormous. To help realize the product’s potential, we’ve conducted an extensive search for a candidate to oversee Sync’s development. I am now pleased to share that we’ve brought Erik Pounds on board as Vice President of Product Management for BitTorrent Sync.
With more than 15 years of experience in storage and networking, Erik joins us from Greylock Partners where he was an Entrepreneur-in-Residence. Prior to that, Erik spent 3 years with Drobo, driving strategy for their portfolio of award-winning storage products. Before Drobo, Erik served at leading storage and networking leaders like Brocade, Adaptec, and EMC. This expertise will serve us well at BitTorrent as we seek to grow Sync’s potential.
Erik couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity. To share a few words from Erik: “BitTorrent invests in creativity, resulting in the existence of products like Sync emerging from our labs. This is not normal at product companies, but can be found at great technology companies. Now we’re on this journey to capitalize on an amazing opportunity, and I’m excited about being a member of the team at BitTorrent.”
We’re all looking forward to what’s to come.