Friday Download: Kalanda

Friday Download is dedicated to curating the best download-able objects on the web, courtesy of BitTorrent Bundle for Publishers

In this week’s Friday download: a unique documentary film about Donsoya, the knowledge of initiated hunters in Burkina Faso. Kalanda is directed by Lorenzo Ferrarini, an anthropologist based in Manchester UK, who has done extensive research on the donso hunter. A donso, he discovers, is more than an animal killer. A donso is a healer, a diviner, a ritual specialist and amulet maker. The film showcases the rich knowledge of donsoya, and puts viewers in the shoes of an apprentice. Download the Bundle to get the extras, wallpapers, and the HD trailer from the film.

Check out the trailer:


About BitTorrent Bundle

BitTorrent Bundle for Publishers is an Alpha program designed to make direct-to-fan publishing simple. The new platform automates content distribution: allowing creators to build shareable pages in a click, and share multiple files and multimedia content in a single download. Request an invite.

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