New documentary Bundle features never-before-seen footage from the film by Oscar-nominated director Lucy Walker.
The Crash Reel is the true story of Kevin Pearce, a U.S. champion snowboarder. In 2010, Shaun White ended up on the top of the Olympic podium. Kevin, his long-time friend and rival, ended up in a coma; the result of a catastrophic training accident in Park City. Oscar-nominated director Lucy Walker’s 2013 documentary follows an extraordinary athlete pushed past his own limits: a snowboarder who goes beyond the brink, and makes it back alive.
As we look towards the start of Sochi in just a few weeks, we also look to Kevin Pearce and his family. The Crash Reel provides what the Olympics won’t: a hard lens on the human cost and casualties of extreme sports. We take you behind the scenes.
In partnership with Phase4 Films and PictureMotion, we’re releasing new footage from The Crash Reel as a BitTorrent Bundle. The Bundle features videos of Kevin, deleted scenes, alternate endings, trailers, and four movie posters. You can unlock an exclusive Burton film from 1987, as well as the Sundance filmmaker Q+A.
Kevin Pearce has a truly inspiring story that needs to be seen by as many people as possible. Our goal is to empower individuals to follow Kevin’s example of self-acceptance and believe in your own ability to succeed no matter what life throws at you. Our BitTorrent Bundle allows us to reach a global audience, bringing them one step closer to Kevin, his Frends and amazing family and be inspired.
Julian Cautherley, Producer, The Crash Reel
This is a comeback story with a difference. Our goal is to make one. Each Bundle includes social media stickers you can download and post to raise awareness of Traumatic Brain Injury. And each Bundle includes a link to the Helmet Pledge: a promise to board and ski protected, in Kevin’s name. Support this awesome film, and this awesome cause. Download The Crash Reel on iTunes.