Last month, we opened up BitTorrent Bundle to our first wave of Alpha publishers. (Welcome, guys!) Our goal is to build a durable (digital) platform for artists: a file format that becomes more valuable, each time it’s shared; a publishing architecture that lets you tell better stories.
With BitTorrent Bundle, you can promote an album or a film, and its making-of. You can work with fans to start new projects from stems and drafts. And you can trace a single storyline across multiple media formats. All in one simple download.
To help you get started, we put together three blueprints for BitTorrent publishing. Consider these your cheat sheets for content strategy. (And sign up here to start playing with Bundle.)
Blueprint No. 1: Capsule

The idea:
Use Bundle to deliver your story — and the story behind your story.
The ingredients:
1. Anchor: a film, music, or book project. The central project, and Bundle hook.
For example: a full film, a text excerpt, a music video, or 3-5 MP3s.
2. Amplification: bite-sized, shareable content that works like a flyer to promote your work.
For example: album art, tour art, film posters, video clips, stills, or song remixes.
3. Immersion: a behind-the-scenes video that helps people understand your project, and your message.
For example: a short film, documentary, interview, or message to fans.
4. Extension: archival documents from the project that gives fans insight into the download’s backstory.
For example: drafts, notes, personal photos, journals, or sketches.
5. Monetization: directs back to your store or site.
For example: HTML or PDF files that close the loop; bringing fans from your download, to your storefront.
Blueprint No. 2: Collaboration

The idea:
Use Bundle to build and distribute a public art project.
The ingredients:
1. Anchor: content that gives fans exclusive access to your work, and helps them understand your concept.
For example: a film, book section, music video, or selection of MP3s.
2. Building blocks: raw, re-workable material that fans can use to jumpstart their own stories.
For example: stems, scripts, treatments, cut content, or loose idea sketches.
3. Propagation: directs to social properties where fans can share made goods.
For example: HTML or PDF files that detail out instructions and next steps for the collaboration.
4. Monetization: don’t forget directs back to your store or site!
Blueprint No. 3: Chase

The idea:
Use Bundle to tell an interactive story, across media files.
The ingredients:
1. Instructions: an overview of the multimedia project, what to expect, and how to play.
For example: HTML or PDF outline, table of contents, or story overview.
2. Story files: each file contains a scene or act from your overall project, or a clue to an overall reward. Viewing the files in order will reveal the full narrative, or the answer to a digital puzzle.
For example: video starts the story, which continues as an audio file, which continues as an art file, which ends as an HTML file.
3. Final scene / monetization: a file that reveals the story or solution, and directs back to your site or store.
For example: HTML or PDF files that direct fans from your download, to a reward.
These blueprints are just the beginning. Take them, bend them, and break them; make something awesome. And let us know how it goes. We’re here for questions, feedback, ideas, and long walks in the sunset. Click the button below to sign up for Bundle.