Friday Download: The Garden of Steven

TGOS-poster-v2Friday Download is dedicated to curating the best download-able objects on the free web, courtesy of BitTorrent Bundle for publishers.

Today, we’re featuring an incredible short film from six award-winning filmmakers. They came together to pursue a passion project, got it funded on Kickstarter, and are now releasing it directly to fans around the world. Art for the people, by the people, directly to the people. The Garden of Steven is a fictional story about a missionary named Steven who struggles with the biggest questions of life. It’s a funny, oftentimes sweet look at a man who is desperate to do right but can’t help but do wrong. Get the BitTorrent Bundle and unlock the entire movie, script, behind the scenes and more.

Check out the trailer:

Run Time: 23 minutes
Genre: Short, Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Synopsis: Steven Crosby wakes up in Antigua, Guatemala with a mission: to convert as many locals as he can, armed with only some religious comic books and a couple words of high school Spanish. (Read more on The Garden of Steven IMDB page)

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1. Get BitTorrent
2. Download the Bundle
3. Drag & drop your Bundle file into BitTorrent to begin download
4. Find the movie and more in your Downloads folder

BitTorrent Bundle for Publishers is an alpha platform that makes direct-to-fan distribution simple. Creators can build their own BitTorrent Bundle and deliver their massive multi-media projects (from film, to photography, to audio) to 170 million BitTorrent fans around the world. Request an invite.

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