For the past 48 hours, we’ve been bringing revolution to the streets. Madonna and Steven Klein’s new film, secretprojectrevolution, is an honest, raw look at human rights, circa now: a protest against censorship and complacency, and a call to action. The film debuted as flash projections in cities around the world. And now, it’s free for all. Anyone with Internet access, anywhere, can download secretprojectrevolution.

The BitTorrent Bundle includes:
1. secretprojectrevolution Trailer 1 [Video]
2. secretprojectrevolution Trailer 2 [Video]
3. secretprojectrevolution Trailer 3 [Video]
4. secretprojectrevolution Art [Image]
Enter your email to unlock the film:
1. secretprojectrevolution HD [Video]
2. secretprojectrevolution 2K [Video]
3. Madonna: The VICE Interview [Video]
4. Message from Madonna [Document]
5. Message from Steven Klein [Document]
New to BitTorrent? Here’s how you get the Bundle.
1. Get BitTorrent (if you don’t already have it) here.
2. Download the Bundle. Enter your email to unlock the film, Vice Interview, and message from Madonna.
3. Double-click the file (in your Downloads folder) to begin downloading in BitTorrent.
We’ll do the rest. Once your download is complete, open the files, and check out the film.
secretprojectrevolution marks the start of Art For Freedom: a global initiative to further freedom of expression, created by Madonna and VICE. We’re asking the world to take a stand for openness, in the form of video, music, poetry, and photography. Join the public art project at artforfreedom.com.

About BitTorrent Bundle
BitTorrent Bundle is an Alpha project, made with and for the web’s creative community. Our mission is to help artists connect directly with fans, inside the content they share.
Each BitTorrent Bundle, like this one, created in partnership with Madonna and VICE, allows artists to distribute content to 170 million BitTorrent users. And each Bundle comes with a key. Fans can unlock artist content with an email address, or a donation. The idea is to make each song a storefront; and each file more valuable, each time it’s shared. Got ideas for the next BitTorrent Bundle? Hit us up.