Cinedigm, Gravitas Ventures, FADER, The Collective, Topspin, Interloper Films, Converge Studios, and Tim Ferriss onboard as launch partners for the closed Alpha.
The Internet has powered a creative revolution: a world where any of us – a world where all of us – can post and share our work. The old rules about art don’t apply. It’s not about gallery walls or walled gardens. Instead, creative objects are, and are valuable, because they’re social objects. We make differently. So, how do we make it work?
As engineers, artists, and fans: that’s exactly the problem we want to solve. For the past five months, we’ve been working with a small group of makers, labels, and studios to build BitTorrent Bundle: a publishing platform designed to address the issues of distribution, reach, and virality that every independent creator is up against.

As we’ve explored this platform, we’ve seen some cool stuff and awesome Internet objects. But more than that, we’ve seen the potential. Since May, BitTorrent Bundle collaborations have been downloaded by 18 million fans. We’ve helped move over a million users to artist properties, collecting over 600 thousand email leads along the way. People-powered distribution: it’s kind of a powerful thing.
We believe more eyeballs equal more dollars, so whether it’s an immediate call to action or seeding media availability, the millions of potential impressions from sharing a BitTorrent Bundle represents a profoundly new and exciting marketing opportunity for independent film producers and distributors.
Jill Calcaterra, Chief Marketing Officer, Cinedigm
So today, we’re pleased to announce we’re bringing the BitTorrent Bundle program to more artists. The closed Alpha of BitTorrent Bundle for publishers is now live. Our launch partners include FADER, Cinedigm, The Collective, Topspin, Interloper Films, Gravitas Ventures, Converge Studios, and Tim Ferriss. We’re stoked to have this group of creators and crazy-smart people onboard as publishers, collaborators, and test-drivers. For everyone else: your first look is here.
We’re always seeking out new and innovative paths of distribution—we were the first publication to be offered for free on iTunes—so being a partner with BitTorrent makes perfect sense. To be part of the Alpha Project is very exciting for us. Not only to we have tremendous respect for BitTorrent’s mission, we also know that with the power and scope of BitTorrent’s built-in audience that we’ll be able to get the FADER to more people, globally, than ever before.
Andy Cohn, President & Publisher, The FADER
The Alpha Overview.
BitTorrent Bundle for publishers is an Alpha platform that makes direct-to-fan distribution simple: all you need to do to build a Bundle is upload your assets. Instantly create a beautiful, shareable campaign page. Deliver multimedia content – everything from film, to photography, to audio – in one little download. Build an email subscriber base in a click. And reach 170 million BitTorrent fans around the world.
The BitTorrent Bundle for Publishers Alpha project will allow more artists and content creators to tap into the direct exposure and precious data capture capabilities that only a select few of us in the industry have had the privilege to experience so far.
A future where any creative individual can easily use these kinds of technologies to go beyond the confines of traditional distribution methods and reach the whole world is a future I’m very excited about.
Kavi Halemane, Executive Vice President Digital, The Collective
Take the tour.
First, create a campaign page. You need a title, some background art, and the content you want to share with people.

Then, add your media. We know creativity comes in many forms – which is why Bundle is built to package all file types, without size or send limits.

Next, set up an email gate. Fans can download some content for free, and unlock epic stuff by subscribing to your email list.

Then, preview your page (just in case you forgot anything).

And hit publish! Your content is now live. Fans can download your Bundle, and share it with their friends.

Internet: you’re free to sign up here. We’ll start adding people to the Alpha as feedback comes in, and seats open up.

Read on for more from our partners.
Shamal Ranasinghe, Co-Founder, Topspin Media
“Topspin is excited for the Alpha launch of the BItTorrent Bundle Platform. We continually encourage all our artists to connect with their fans wherever they access and consume media on the web, and the new BitTorrent Bundle gives artists a chance to promote directly to their fans at the point of consumption on a massive scale. Fans get more rich media, artists get more direct connections with their fans, and everyone wins.”
A Total Disruption: Ondi Timoner, Director/Producer
“As a filmmaker and artist, the promise of BitTorrent Bundles is to have a smarter and faster distribution system to share A TOTAL DISRUPTION, my crd (constantly-releasing documentary) which follows the Internet revolution, with people around the world.”
“Through BitTorrent Bundles, I hope to build stronger and better bonds with my fans as well as find new audiences for the weekly short films Interloper Films releases of A TOTAL DISRUPTION.”
Gravitas Ventures: Nolan A. Gallagher, Founder and CEO
“A one-to-one relationship with fans looking for the best in independent films and documentaries. This direct audience engagement will allow new stories to be shared and new artist voices to emerge.”
“At Gravitas, our goal is to release films on Video on Demand in over a billion homes on day one. Bitorrent Bundles can serve as important bridge to expand the potential of direct digital distribution to global audiences.”
Tim Ferriss, Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur
“The BitTorrent Bundle is one of the biggest innovations in media distribution of our generation. I saw its power firsthand during the launch of The 4-Hour Chef, when we used the platform to drive an additional 880 thousand Amazon impressions for the book. In my experience, there is no faster method for getting multimedia content to fans (and prospects) around the world. Looking forward to projects across various media platforms, I couldn’t be more excited to participate in this self-publish Alpha.”