BitTorrent Sessions: Just Blaze


In March, we got the chance to catch up with some creators, change-makers, and heroes of the free world at SXSW. Our intrepid film crew (Jeph, Danimal) captured the conversations so we could share them with you. Herewith: a series of small talks about big things.

In this week’s edition: words with Just Blaze, the super-producer behind everything from The Blueprint to the Harlem Shake. He played six shows in three days at SXSW. He played ours without a sound system; a stolen moment of real hip hop.

Fresh off that set with Young Guru, Just Blaze talks to us about the brave new world of music production; his experience with Higher, the role of direct-to-fan, and how BitTorrent is picking up where the record industry failed. After the jump: photos from his set at SXSW.

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