Learning how to solder with one of the best: Mitch Altman. He’ll be speaking at a TED conference, soon, with Steve Wozniak and others.
This week, we talked to An Nguyen: our favorite engineer/autocross racer/video game designer (and felt decidedly less badass by comparison). We stayed up late on Thursday night learning how to solder and got a surprise visit from legendary sound engineer Young Guru the following day. Finally, it was nice for us to see Humble Bundle raise +1.7MM for independent authors.
Happy weekend. Kick it off with the three best free things on the Internet.
Celebrating the life and legacy of Shannon Hoon
We grew up with Blind Melon. We identified with the Bee Girl. To celebrate the legacy of lead singer Shannon Hoon, who died 17 years ago this week, we’re re-living the band’s best live performances. The Internet Archive has over 20 Blind Melon shows to get into. Go back to a time sans rain aka the Nineties with us.
Download Blind Melon Live @ Glen Miller Ballroom (10/17/95): https://bit.ly/blindmelonia
The House on Haunted Hill
Halloween’s right around the corner. Which means tolerating fun-sized candy and people dressed as slutty ghosts. But also: scary movies! The House on Haunted Hill, featuring vintage Vincent Price, still gives us nightmares. The Internet Archive’s made the original available for free download.
Download the House on Haunted Hill: https://bit.ly/houseonhauntedhillia
Andrew Bird Live at Chautauqua Auditorium
What does fall sound like? A little sad, maybe. There are probably fiddles involved. Definitely acoustic. Tracks from this Andrew Bird’s August show in Boulder are currently making the rotation through our playlist.
Download Andrew Bird Live @ Chautauqua (8/15/12): https://bit.ly/andrewbirdia