What’s New: The DJ Shadow Revolution, Radiohead is our Friend, Last Day to Win + More

There’s been a lot going on around here lately, all good though. We upgraded µTorrent to version 3.2, introduced our API to the world (in alpha format), and got some pretty impressive accolades from a band you might have heard of – Radiohead. Most importantly, we released a new DJ Shadow Bundle that will make him the first artist to get paid on our platform. This is also the last day to win one of our limited-edition tee-shirts. Let’s get to it…

Rewriting the Future of the Entertainment Industry, Our Way

Yesterday, we released a new BitTorrent Bundle featuring hip-hop legend DJ Shadow. What makes this one stand out from, say, Death Grips or Chester French is that there’s a new twist when you explore What’s Inside. Pretty neat, huh? Best of all, it’s free for you. Get three tracks from his forthcoming release Hidden Transmissions plus a time capsule of personally curated photos and artwork here.

Build Cool Stuff with Torque

Over ten years ago, we released the awesome power of BitTorrent’s technology to the world. Now, we’re giving you the opportunity to harness its power, in your browser, with Torque. Released in alpha version, this API lets you build cool stuff like Paddle Over and One Click. Check it out here. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Upgrade to µTorrent 3.2

Where we come from, most people celebrate 4th of July with BBQ and fireworks, followed by more barbecue. We did that too while also managing to release a brand new version of µTorrent. With µTorrent 3.2, your can stream your content to more players. Improvements to security, speed, stability, and torrenting from network shares are included as well. Read all about the latest upgrade in this post.

Download µTorrent 3.2

Radiohead is Our Friend

In the latest issue of Music Week magazine, Radiohead’s manager tells it like it is: “BitTorrent is our friend.” The only thing cooler than that? We can’t think of anything yet but if you have any ideas, let us know. Read all about it, here.

Finally, This is Your Last Chance

Want to win a limited-edition µTorrent tee-shirt? We have two left to give away. We sent you to Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, and then back to Tumblr. Today, we’re making it easy. Simply click on this link to ReTweet out this message that you’d like to win (and make sure you’re following us on Twitter). That’s all. This has been fun and we hear you: 1) we do need to get a merch store and 2) we need to try to expand the territories in our contest rules. Thanks to everyone who participated. You guys rock.


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