24 Hour (BitTorrent) Party People

What you’re looking at is a 24-hour period of BitTorrent usage worldwide. This short movie illustrates over 60 million BitTorrent client check-ins (more and more of you are joining us every day – so we’ll be able to bring you an even brighter one soon), from across the planet, for a single day in January, 2011. Each time a pixel lights up, it’s a client (either BitTorrent or µTorrent) in that square of the world checking in with our servers. Sit back, relax, and watch the dots create a world map before your very eyes.

This data was computed using GeoIP lookups from our access logs for the day. Look familiar? The data scientist here at BitTorrent, who put this together, was inspired by NASA/NOAA’s Earth At Night map.

Because of you guys, projects like this are possible…so thank you!

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