BitTorrent Live Studio Test with DJ Hax and VJ Biolumenence

Last Friday was another successful event at the BitTorrent Live studio! Tonight, we are excited to feature DJ Hax and VJ Biolumenence (10/28) at 8:00 PM Pacific Time  (3:00 GMT). Join us at, and help us test and define the future of live streaming technology.

Testing the live protocol is easy. When it is time for the session, visit, download the software client and view the live video stream. Your feedback is important so feel free to provide comments directly in the client and chat with other testers/fans.

Stay tuned for more artist announcements and follow us on the new BitTorrent Live Studios Facebook page.

About the artists

DJ Hax

Since the advent of the Micromoog, Hax has been foraging and contributing to the soundscape of electronic music. Trained in the wizardry of the mix, and schooled in the arts of production, he has lent his talents to a broad swath of musicians and genres over the years. After long periods in both Chicago and Los Angeles, having moved through the soundscapes of Industrial and Dark Downtempo, and has now alighted upon San Francisco, where he can be found spinning genre-bending sets of electronic dance music. As both DJ and event promoter, he has worked the PAs for many parties and crews from Gruntworthy, UK’s Radio Glitch, and founded the legendary underground Rhinocorn. With infusions of sounds that seem much more familiar in a world music setting, his unique blend of beats from Breaks and Dubstep to Electro and Tech House has landed him a residency at Hookahdome, in his home town of Black Rock City, NV.

VJ Biolumenence

VJ Biolumenence has been intriguing Bay Area crowds with his dynamic, crowd pleasing visuals for over five years.  His flowing, flowering, fluctuating visuals are beamed from a beating, breathing, bawling silicon heart, filtered through the lithe liquid liturgy of the crowd’s energy and streamed steaming out high lumen projectors from SF venues (1015, Mighty, Concourse Center) to the biggest sound camps on the playa (Opulent Temple, Hookahdome, Fractal Nation).  Biolumenence has thrilled audiences along side such musical luminaries as Opiou, Infected Mushroom, Christopher Lawrence, Sid Gris, Sex Pixels, Cheb i Sebbah, and David Starfire.  Best known for his real-time “audio-reactive” visuals, Biolumenence’s shows are known for creating a flowing sense of synchronicity of the senses, and elevating the crowd’s energy into a frenetic, ecstatic, kinetic realm

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