If you are a avid gamer, today is an excellent day.
Beyond the Game, the celebrated Warcraft III documentary about gaming legends in the throes of a competition of a lifetime, is now available for download free via BitTorrent!
More about the film may be found here: or check out the trailer:

We’re proud to partner with our friends at VODO and the team at Cinema Purgatorio, a leading film distribution company bringing films to movie theaters, discs, and downloads, to release the film. Beyond the Game is a festival-acclaimed but otherwise hard-to-find film from award winning Dutch documentary filmmaker Jos de Putter, which tracks a historic competition between cross-cultural gamers leading up to the 2008 Games in Seattle, WA.
As always, we encourage you to support BitTorrent artists. These vanguard filmmakers are embracing the value of torrent technology and our community (that’s you!) to enable new, easy and open distribution models on the Internet. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Three easy ways to help:
- – Donate! Need we say more? Even a little means a lot.
- – Connect: Connect with filmmakers on Facebook and Twitter pages…if you liked Beyond the Game, you’ll love what’s coming soon.
- – Share: Tell your friends, shout it from the rooftops. Email, IM, social networks…spread the word and help our partner artists get the recognition they deserve.
And if you haven’t already, check out our other Artist Spotlight film and album releases from the past few months! Download the torrents from our partners at VODO, or access the files directly in the App Studio found in your BiTorrent Mainline and uTorrent clients.
- Four Eyed Monsters (Film festival and acclaimed film based off the popular online series)
- Yes Men Fix the World (Special P2P Edition of the famous film)
- Pioneer One, Episodes 1-2 (Made-For-BitTorrent series, a fan-favorite)
- PAZ (High energy Hip Hop album)
Enjoy Beyond the Game, and stay tuned…more Artist Spotlight releases coming soon. Check back often!